Popular WoW Wesites and Resources

Need info on WoW?

These first couple of websites will help you find some basic information about WoW. I found that WoW Wiki is one of the best sites to visit.

World of Warcraft Official Site
World of Warcraft Wikipedia
World of Warcraft "Thottbot"

WoW Famous Forums

I personally do not go to any forums. According to some of my guildmates, these are the best Forum sites to visit.

Official WoW Forum
Best "unofficial" WoW Forum
Ten Ton Hammer Forums

Some other sites

These are sites that are "user created". First one is gonig to be "WoWmine.com". I want you to see how much WoW gold is. The second one is going to be a "youtube" page with some WoW videos on it. The last one will be from my Guild's Forum. You will not be able to access is, but you will be able to see what it looks like.

World of Warcraft "Gold" Site
Youtube videos
The Forgotten Regiment Wowstead Website

My Resources

How did I come up with this information? From some of the best websites around!!

Last update- 12 November 2008
September 14- November 11 2008. http://www.wowwkik.com/
Basic information on all sections where found here.

World of Warcraft
2008 Blizzard Entertainment
November 1 2008. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/
Looked for some information about release dates and forum information.

2008 Youtube, LLC
November 28 2008. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=World+of+Warcraft&search_type=&aq=f
Found videos to be embeded into website.

2008 Google
November 10 2008. http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=WOrld%20of%20warcraft&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
Assorted pictures to be used on my website.