The Classes in World of Warcraft

Choose your destiny

Warrior · Mage · Rogue · Paladin · Warlock · Shaman · Hunter · Priest · Druid ·

The class the player chooses is the way they want to play the game. Like to weild a sword and destroy everything with brute force, then be a Warrior. Do you like to shape shift then be a Druid. Do you wish to be a healer, be a Priest. You can find just about any way to play the game. After you pick your race, the next most important thing is the class you choses. After you chose your primary class, you then have to decide what talent tree you want to follow. After maxing out your character level 70, you then get to find your specific armor and weapons for your class. This section will help your decision be an easier one.


Warriors feed off their rage to strengthen them and allow them to use their abilities. Warriors have a huge array of weapons and armor in their arsenal. The only race that can not be a warrior is the Blood Elf.

Warriors are typically labeled tank, off-tank, or DPS (damage per second). A tank is a player that can take alot of damage and hold something called "aggro". Aggro is aggravation to a target enemy to make sure they do not attack other ally players. Off Tanks are the tanks assistant. They are incharge of watching out for additional enemies coming in or holding aggro on enemies that run from the main tank. Tanks and off-tanks usualy carry one handed weapons and a shield. A DPS warrior is someone that does alot of damage. They typicaly hold 2-1 handed weapons or one 2-handed weapon.

Warrior talent trees consists of Fury, Arms and Protection. Tanks will specialize in protection, off-tanks will spec. in 1/2 Arms, 1/2 Protection, and DPS warriors will usualy spec. in Fury. Their are such things as hybrid warriors that spec in multiple trees, like an off- tank.

Armor is what truly makes a warrior. Tank and off-tank warriors usualy have high armor rating increases on their armor. They also look for Strength and Stamina bonuses. DPS warriors look for strength, stamina and agility bonuses. Sometimes a DPS warrior will be lucky and find a increase in their "critical strike" chance. Because a DPS warrior does not need a shield they do not have to look for one. As a tank/off-tank, a shield is essential for survival. With the shield you can also use skills like "shield bash" to generate more aggro.

Warrior weapons are also an important part of them. They can use anything except a wand to kill their foes. Most warriors are found with a sword. Their is not much of a difference between maces, swords or axes. The decision to use a particualar weapon is usually up to the player.

Warriors are very strait foward. You head in, you attack, you get healed, you attack some more, the enemies die, then you do a little dance. Repeat about 1,000,000 times and then you will hit level 70.

The most common warrior you will find in WoW are DPS warriors. Then tend to be more fun to play. A player that is a tank or off-tank is more or less a "team player". They have an actual role in the party instead of just having to pummel something untill it dies.

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A mage is a master of three magical elements, Ice, Fire and Arcane. They use "MP" or Magic Points to allow them to use their magic. Mages are a very important part to any party in WoW.

Mages are the "crowd control" in WoW. If a party approaches a group and it is too big for them to handle, the mage will shape shift or polymorph one of the targets. This causes the target to turn into a harmless creature, like a sheep. After the mage morphs a target, their other role is to DPS a target, typicaly the one the main-tank is attacking. If the main-tank can successfully get a group in one area, the mage will be asked to "burn down the group". This will result in a mage using AOEs or Area of Effect attacks to take down multiple targets.

The mage talent trees are Frost, Arcane and Fire. Frost mages are good at slowing down creatures and can perform other CC (Crowd Control) attacks. Arcane mages are masters of "burst damaage". They can dish out damage very quick and very effiecently(sp?). Fire mages do HUGE DPS. They also do not use MP as fast as the other two trees do. Most mages in WoW are a hybrid between arcane and fire or arcane and frost. With the combination of frost/fire and arcane it makes the spells cost less MP. Fire/Arcane mages generate less aggro., which will help the warrior in a raid or an instance.

Mages are limited to cloth armor. When they get their armor they typicaly look for intelligence and spirit bonuses. Stamina bonuses are also a plus for questing mages. They also look for bonuses to "spell critical strike rating".

Mages do not use their weapons much. Usualy you will find a mage with a staff and a wand. When looking for a staff and a wand, try to find one with intelligence and spirit increases. You might not be using the weapon, but the increases will help you regardless.

Mages are essential to just about every group. It is always nice to have one because of their DPS and CC techniques.

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Rogues are masters of the shadows. They are WoW's premiere melee damage dealers. They depend on their stealth to take down their opponents. They use energy to perform their skills.

Rogues are good to have in a party. They generate very little aggro. which is good for the entire party. They also have sap which is a very good CC to have. Sap stuns targets for a period of time. They also have very high critical ratings which helps them deal damage much faster. The final good thing about them is that it is very hard to hit them. The usualy rogue in a party will sap a enemy then help attack the main tanks target.

Rogue can specialize in assassination, combat, and subtlety. Subtlety rouges are the most common. They depend on their stealth skills to bring down a target. Some rogues are good enough to take down an opponent before they even know what hit them. Combat rogues are good damage dealers. Assassination rogues have more effective poisons and have better burst damage.

Rouges can wear leather and cloth armor. Leather is usualy the choice of a rogue. Agility and stamina are the two most important things for a rogue. Other bonuses include attack power and critical strike rating.

Rogues carry two weapons usually. They usualy have a dagger in their main hand and a sword in the off-hand... or they just use two daggers. Daggers have a faster attack speed then swords. If you are a combat rogue you will use the one sword, one dagger combination.

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Paladins are a holy warrior hybrid class. They depend on their holy skills to make themselves stronger. Paladins are great to have around.

Paladins can tank, heal, or DPS. The tank and DPS share the same description as the tank warrior. (See Warrior Tank Description) Healing paladins, or Healadins, are great to have in a group. In a instance they can be a primary healer or an off-healer. They will usualy target all their heals on the off-dps. In a raid, they generally play the role as the devoted healer for the main-tank.

Paladins trees are retribution, protection, and holy. Retribution paladins are DPS paladins. They can deal massive damage. They also bring the aura Seal of the Crusader to increase the parties critical strike rating. Protection paladins are tank paladins. They are also called "Tankadins". Tank paladins are exactly like warrior tanks. The only difference is that they can generate more aggro. then a tradional warrior tank and they can use concencrate which aggros. more than one target at a time. Holy paladins are healers. They are not as good as priest healers in a group but 1-on-1 they are great healers.

Paladins wear the same armor as the warriors, plate. Tankadins and Ret. Pallies look for the same bonuses but with the addition of intelligence. Holy paladins look for intelligence and stamina boneses. They also look for "Increasese in Bonus Healing" or "Critical Healing Rating".

You usually will never see the same paladin twice. All three trees are very useful in all parties.

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Warlock were once called arcanists or shaman. They forgot their studies of arcance and nature to persue the power of shadows. They thrive in making their victims suffer rather then ending it quick.

Warlocks are classed as DPS in a raid or instance. That is pretty much all they are good at. They are also good for getting people out of binds by fearing all their opponents. All Warlocks will have a demon with them. Each demon has a different role. The majority of the demons play the role as the tank for the Warlock so they do not take damage while leveling and fighting by themselves.

The talent trees for the Warlock are affliction, demonology and destruction. Affliction Locks increase their curses, which kill or weaken a target over time, to take down their opponents. Demonology Locks use their pets to take down their opponents. Destruction Locks bring on the pain. They use huge shadow bolt critical hits to mutulate their opponent.

Warlocks wear and look for the same bounuses as mages. Sometimes they will get lucky and a shadow damage increase.

Warlocks very rarely will use a weapon. If they have a weapon on them, it will be for increase purposes only.

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Shaman are considered one of the most versatile classes in the games. They use totems to buff their party. Shamans are said to be "overpowered".

Shaman can either be DPS magic, DPS melee or healing. DPS magic shaman put out damage quick. They have very high critical hit rates. Some dps mag. shaman are known for sometimes even hitting for over 8,000 damage. DPS melee shaman deal damage very fast also. They have great buffs like windfurry weapons that increase their damage. Healing shaman are also great. In their talent tree, there are talants that can lower casting time and mana cost of the spells.

Shaman talent trees include elemental, enhancement and restoration. Elemental is for magic dps, enhancement is for melee dps and restoration is for healers.

Shaman wear leather armor till level 40. After that, they wear chain. Some shaman will stay magic dps till they reach level 40 and can get the extra protection of the mail for melee dps. Depending on your tree will determine the type of bonuses you look for. If you are melee, you look for the same as the retribution paladins, if you are a magic dps, look for the same as the mages and if you are a healer look for the same bonuses as a holy paladin or priest.

Shaman healers and magic dps do not need weapons. As a melee dps you want to find a good weapon for just that, dps. Most shaman have maces.

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Hunter are know also as rangers if you play any other role-playing games. Hunters use a bow or gun and their pet to help in the game of WoW.

Hunters play many roles in WoW. Hunters are CC and DPS in raids and instances. Thay also have threat redirection. Hunters are looked down upon in the game. It is very rare if you find a hunter that knows how to play their character. Hunters also use Pets to aid them in their fight.

Hunters talent trees are beast mastery, marksmenship and survival. Beast mastery is for hunters that use their pets. Marksmenship hunters use their bow or gun to do damage. Survival hunters are very rare. The tree is a hard one to follow. They use their traps primarily in this tree. This tree also helps with mana consumption.

Hunters armor is set up the same as the Shaman. They look for the same bonuses.

A bow or gun is what makes a Hunter. A bow or gun should have the same bonuses are the mages staffs.

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Priest are the healing class in WoW. They can shield their allies, heal them and even resurrect them. Besides holy, they can be shadow and decimate their enemies minds.

Priest primary role in a raid or instance is a healer. As a healer, they can heal the party or just a single person. Holy priest can also debuff a ally member and remove poisons and such. They also buff their allies and increase their stamina. Shadow priest are somewhat like Warlocks. They use DPS on single targets to take them down quick.

The priest trees are shadow, discipline and holy. It the shadow spec., priest increase their shadow skills to increase their damage. Discipline priest focus on their buffs. A good discipline priest can increase a players stamina by alot. A holy priest works on their healing abilities.

Priest are limited to only cloth armor. They look for the same bonuses are holy paladin would look for.

For a weapon, shadow priest should look for a good weapon that increases spell damage and critical hit rates. Holy priest should look for bonus to healing.

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A druid is a hybrid class in WoW. It can virtually play any type of character. A druid depends on its shapeshifting skills to completes its roles in WoW.

Druids are amazing players. Druids can tank, heal, off-tank, melee dps and and range dps. The downfall it that they can only perform one role at a time. Each role plays the same as all the other roles, like a druid tank is the same as a warrior tank.

Druids shape shift. Their primary forms are bear, dire bear, cat, aquatic, travel and flight forms. Bears tank, cats dps and aquatic travel and flight forms are primarily for travel.

The talent trees that a druid follows is balance, feral combat and restoration.Balance druids use their own magic, outside beast forms, to take down their opponents. Feral combat druids use melee. They can either specialize in tanking for their bear or dire bear forms or melee dps in their cat form. The cat form can also play the role of a rogue. Restoration druids heal.

Druids look for certain types of armor. They where Leather and cloth. Restoration druids look for stamina, spirit and intelligence bonuses. Feral look for stamina, strength, agility and intelligence. Balance druids look for intelligence, stamina and spirit bonuses.

Druid weapons are non-essential. Use them for the biggest bonuses that you can get ahold of. Because you have shape shift, you will never use the weapon anyway.

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