The Noob Handbook

Try not to be one...

There are two definitions of the word "noob".

Newb- A newb or "newbie" is someone new to the game of World of Warcraft. This person does not know much. It depends on how much you know. Basically, you are a newb till you know everything about WoW. Even if you are on WoW and a level 70, if you go into a dungeon you do not know, you are considered a "newb". This is not to be used as a negative term. This is a person that wants to learn and be successful, but without being annoying about it.

Noob- A noob is an idiot. These people are in WoW to basically get on your nerves. Noobs go from level 1-70. Level 1 noobs ask questions... over and over and over and over and over. They sometimes will beg for money. Mid-level noobs buy and sell gold in real life. These noobs also wear wrong gear for the wrong specialization. I.E. A tanking warrior wears DPS warrior armor. High level noobs, like level 70s, are said to be bullies. They tend to think they are "gods" or have a "god complex". These people have played through the game... and still don't get it. They still will sometime beg, put down other players and "spam" the chat channels.

Being a noob is a bad thing. If you make a moronic mistakes... like pull aggro when you are not the tank... intentionaly... you are a noob. If you think you are all "that and a bag of potato chips"... and you die someone... undergeared... a lower level then you... and a 9-year-old... you are a noob. If you use the word "noob" on someone asking a legitamite question... you are a noob. If you kill a level 19 and you are a level 70... for sport... just to be a jerk... you are a noob. I hope this explains it pretty well.

Newb/Noob Shorthand

LOL- "laugh out loud", you can also substitute with rofl meaning "roll on the floor laughing" or simply hehe
BRB- "be right back", this means that you will be right back on the computer. Another term you can use is "bio" which means you need to go to the restroom.
STFU- "shut the *beep* up", this is an insult
pst- basicaly means to wisper a "private statement"
kewl- "cool"
afk- "away from keyboard", this means that you are just that... away from you keyboard
Basically, if you know basic "text shorthand" you can understand WoW shorthand.

WoW Specific Shorthand

Some terms in WoW are Wow specific. These terms include many dungeon terms and terms not used by any other MMORPG.


Naxxes- Darnassus, IF- Ironforge, SW- Stormwind, EX- Exodar, OG- Ogrimmar, TB- Thunder Bluff, UC- Undercity, TM- Torren Mill, XR- Cross Roads...


Ony- Onexia's Lair, RFC- Ragefire Chasm, Strat- Stratholme, ST- Sunkin Temple, UBRS- Upper-Black Rock Spire, ULD- Uldaman, ZF- Zul'Farrack...


Vent- Ventrillo, Toon(alt)- another character player plays, WPL- Western Plague Lands, UD- Undead, NE- Night Elf, Spec- specialization, PUG- Pick up group, OH- Off-hand...

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