The Factions of World of Warcraft

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The Alliance: Human, Dwarf, Gnome, Night Elves and Draenei

Humans · Dwarfs · Gnomes · Night Elves · Draenei ·

What is the Alliance for? What are they Against? The Alliance is the Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome and Draenei force againt the Horde and The Scourge. The majority of The Allaince are located in The Eastern Kingdom in the Capital Cities of Stormwind and Ironforge. The Night Elfs and Draenai are on the small islands north of the Horde Continent of Kalimdor. The Capital Cities are Darnassus and Exodar. The modern Alliance is the successor to The Alliance of Lordaeron The fall of The Alliance of Lordaeron was ploted by Prince Arthus... Now known as The Lich King. Alliance Pride is their greatest tool... and also their weakness.

The Humans

Coming out of their Capital City of Stormwind, lead by The Child King Anduin Wrynn, the Humans will prevail!!

The Humans were founded by the seven kingdoms in the Third War. They are considered to be the youngest race in all of Azeroth. The humans suffered great losses in The Third War against the Orcs and demonic orcs. Stormwind was the final defence... It was destroyed but somehow the humans survived and rebuilt. Humans value honor, courage and virtue.

The Human's other major cities are Darkshire, Goldshire, Lakeshire, Southshore and Menethil Harbor.

Humans compose one of the largest player bases on any WoW server. The reason is... people like being who they are. They look just like humans in real life.

Humans can play as Warriors, Paladins, Rogues, Priest, Mages and Warlocks. Their stealth detection is increased, they have higher spirit then the other races, they gain more reputation from other factions, and the have an increased expertise with swords and maces. You can be either male or female. Their starting location is the "The Northshire Abbey".

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The Dwarfs

What other then the drunkin dwarf? Believe it or not, they will bust your skull in. Do not let their small stature fool you. From the capital city of Ironforge, lead by King Magni Bronzebeard, the Dwarves will always be there.

The Dwarves are descendants of the "Titans" of Uldam, Uldaman amd Ulduar. When the "Well of Eternity" emploded, the Dwarves went into a hibernation state. When they awoke, they migrated to Dun Morogh and built the city of Ironforge.

The Dwarves other cities include Aerie Peak, Shadowforge City, Frosthold and Thor Modan.

Dwarves are one of the more fun races to play in the game. Even though you are the butt of every short joke, you can get drunk in public AND STILL BE COOL! Dwarves are about 1/2 the human height. Male Dwarfs are known for their stylish beards. Female Dwarves are just...short.

As a Dwarf, you can play as a Warrior, Paladin, Hunter, Rouge or Priest. Dwarves can take on "stone form", are resistant to frost, are better with guns, and can find treasure. You can either be male or female. Their starting location is "Coldridge Valley".

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The Gnomes

Smaller than a Dwarf?!? What could this midget do to me? Better watch it, they might pyro-blast you in the face! Gnomes are experts in Engineering. Lead by Gelbin Mekkatorque, High Tinker-in-Exile , anything is possible...

The Gnomes are engineers that lived underground during the Second War. They built vehicles and machines for The Alliance. Their old capital city of Gnomeregan was taken over by the Troggs. This forced them to move to Tinker Town, located in Ironforge.

The Gnomes do not have any other major cities. For the Gnomes it realy is a small World... of Warcraft.

Gnomes are the butt of the butt of the short jokes in WoW. They stand about 2 feet tall, maybe 3 feet. Nothing is funnier then saying "I am going to punt you through a field goal". Gnomes are short, yes, but the majority of the players will play their character well and always have a comeback for your race.

Gnomes can be Warriors, Rogues, Mages and Warlocks. Their racial abilites include higher intelligence, resistance to arcane magic, ability to resist speed imparing effects and have an increase in their Engineering skill. You can be male or female. Their starting location is "Coldridge Valley".

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The Night Elves

Master of Magic and Nature, the Night Elves are one of the most advanced races in all of Azeroth. Living for hundreds of years, Night Elves are intelligent and know about everything. Will they live in the shadows of Darnassus anymore? Not with High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind leading them!

Since the beginning of Azeroth, The Night Elves existed. They lived around and protected the "Well of Eternity". The Well eventually collapsed. When it collapsed, the Night Elves where shattered. A group was dragged to the bottom of the sea, now known as the Naga. Another group sailed away in the distance to become the "High Elves". Many others perished. The remaining Night Elves disappeared and were not seen for centuries. The Night Elves were awakened by the Orcs during the Third War. The Orcs were cutting down their forest and they took great offence to it. They had to sacrifice their immortality to end the war...

The Night Elfs other major cities are Astranaar and Auberdine.

Night Elfs are really, really tall... about 7 feet to be exact. They tower all other race, except maybe the Tauren. NEs also have about foot long ears that point straight back. People in WoW like to call them "Kabob Sticks". They are a fun race to play. They dance like Michael Jackson.

A Night Elf can be a Warrior, Druid, Hunter, Priest or Rogue. They can "shadowmeld" or dissapear, when they die they become a wisp, their dodge chance has increased and they have a higher nature resistance. You can be Male or Female. The Night Elves start at the "Shadowglen".

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The Draenei

Who are the Draenei? An alien race here to help the Allaince? This vast and wonderous society is said to be the most intelligent in the Universe. Now living on Azeroth, within The Exodar, The Prophet Velen and his Draenei will find their place on Azeroth.

The Draenei come from the planet Argus. After the Dark Portal was destroyed, Draenor collapsed on itself. The habitable areas of Draenor are now called Outland. When they were trying to escape, their ship was sabotaged by the Blood Elves. Now, they have joined the Alliance in the war against the Horde and Burning Legion.

The Draenei only have one major city... The Exodar.

Draenei males resemble big blue skinned body builders... with tails. The Women are said to be the most "attractive" of the female races in the game. Yes... this is a game. The females also have tails. Draenai females are also known for their horns, males, for their facial tentacles.

Draenei can be a Hunter, Mage, Priest, Paladin, Warrior and Shaman. Their racial abilites include higher jewelcrafting bonuses, resistance to shadow magic, can heal others and themselves, and players around them have a higher melee/spell hit rate. Their starting area is "The Crash Site".

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The Horde: Orcs, Trolls, Tauren, The Forsaken, and Blood Elves

Orcs · Trolls · The Forsaken · Tauren · Blood Elves ·

They control Kalimdor. They have different ideals then the Alliance but this does not make them the evil side of the two Factions. In reality, they are just the same as the Alliance. The Horde just wants more power then them. The Horde, before World of Warcraft, was the Trolls and the Orcs. Thrall, Warchief of the Orcs, awoke the Horde of today. Thrall recruited the Tauren in the Third War. The Blood Elves and The Forsaken joined later just after the Third War. The Alliance only hates them because they believe The Horde are still servents to the "Burning Legion".

The Orcs

The Orcs were brought over from Draenor by way of the Dark Portal to fight against The Humans. The Burning Legion lost control of them and now they are free from that bond. Warchief Thrall is leading them out of the capital of Orgrimmar. Will they get revenge?

The Orcs have a confusing history. They were brought over from Draenor through the Dark Portal. After the Third War, they broke their bond from the Burning Legion and became the Orcs you know today. Even though they have the appearence of being brutal and evil, they have embrased society and life very well. The bloodlust they once had is now starting to dwindle from their bodies. The Orcs strongly believe in Honor.

The Orcs have many major cities. The playable Orcs capital is Orgrimmar. The Blackrock mountain is where the Dark Ocrs live. The Hellfire Citadel is where the Fel Orcs reside. The Fel Orcs are the only Orcs not the break away from the Burning Legion.

Orcs are very big in stature. They stand about as tall as a human. The basic only different is the color of their skin. They are green or sometimes Dark or light brown. Orc males are usualy bald or have very little hair. Orc females have the appearence of an "Amazon".

Orcs can be a Warrior, Shaman, Warlock, Hunter, or Rogue. Their racial abilites include increased abilities with axes, their pets (for Hunters) are stronger, they can resist stun effects, and they can enrage themselves. Again, you can be either male or female. The Orcs starting area is "The Valley of Trials".

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The Trolls

Trolls are loyal to the Horde. They are very intelligent and have a very rich culture. Even though they are small in number, they help out alot. The Trolls are lead by King Rastakhan out of the capital of Zuldazar.

The Trolls have been around for about 20,000 years. The Night Elves, just after the found the Well of Eternity, stopped the Trolls growth. When the Night Elves realeased the Burning Legion, The Burning Legion destroyed most of the other Troll teritories. Now they are small. After the Third War, the Trolls joined the Orcs as sworn enemies of the Night Elves. They joined them after Thrall and his Orcs saved them from the Burning Legion.

The Trolls are scattered across Kalimdor as many small group now. The playable Trolls, The Darkspear, have their major city of Zuldazar. Other Troll groups do not have a defined capital.

Trolls are the most unpopular races in WoW. No one likes to play them. Actually... untill I did this site, I didnt even know their capital city. Trolls, not to be confused with the stereotypical ones, are 7 foot, green or blue, 200 pound creatures. They look like a basketball player. When they speak, they have a "Jamaicain" dialect.

As a Troll, you can play as a Warrior, Hunter, Mage, or Priest. Their racial abilities include increased abilites with bows and throwing weapons, they regenerate health faster, they can go berserk, and they have increased damage verse Beast. The Trolls starting location "The Valley of Trials".

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The Forsaken (Undead)

When death has come upon you, what is your choice... Death or Undead?. The Forsaken is a group of undead members. Die and join The Forsaken... Lead by Banshee Queen, Sylvanas Windrunner, in the capital of the Undercity... you will never fear death again.

The Forsaken are a group that branched away from The Scourge during the Third War. Led by Prince Arthus, they took down Londereon. They joined the Horde for convenience only. They are part of them, but only do stuff if it benefits themselves. The Forsaken are said to be the Night Elves and Humans that have broke away from the Lich Kings control. They wait and wait for the one day they may be able to strike down The Lich King.

The Forsaken's only major city is the Undercity.

Most of the players in WoW call "The Forsaken" the "Undead". It is just easier to remember. The Forsaken look like dead, rotting humans. You can see their muscles and bones. You also have the option of even missing body parts, like a jaw. The Forsaken have no hair, except on the head, or flesh.

When you are The Forsaken, you can play as a Warrior, Mage, Priest, Warlock or Rogue. Their racial abilites include cannibalism, they can stop fear and charm effects for 5 seconds, they can breath underwater 3x's more then all other races, and they have the ability to resist some shadow magic. Their starting area is "Deathknell".

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The Tauren

The Nomatic creatures of Kalimdor are here the assist the Horde. These once passive creatures, are now against the Alliance. Rally with Grand Chief Cairne Bloodhoof in the capital of Thunder Bluff and destroy the Alliance scum.

No one is really sure where the Tauren came from. They are said to be as old, if not older, then the Night Elves. On the brink of extinction, Cairne Bloodhoof turned the a green-like creature to help him. The creature was Thrall, the current Warchief of The Orcs. The Orcs took them under their wing but only under one condition, they would help them in his conquest.

The Major city of the Tauren is Thunderbluff. Some say Crossroads is another one of their major city, even though it is considered a outpost to most..

"I want a pet cow!"... If you ever hear this, a player is making fun of a Tauren player. Taurens do look like big cows. They do not have spots like one, but they do share alot or characterics. They have horns, fur and hooves. They stand from 6-7 feet tall. Male and females look alot alike. The only physical differnce is basically their size.

Tauren players have the option to be a Druid, Hunter, Shaman, or Warrior. Racial abilities include the ability to stun multiple opponents, they have an increase in their health, have an increase in their herbalism skill and they have an increased nature resistance. The Tauren start at "Camp Mojache".

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The Blood Elves

The "Childrens of Blood" are here to help the Horde. They joined into World of Warcraft about two years ago. They joined the Horde to hopefully reunite themselves with Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider in Outland. Kael'thas Sunstrider. Regent Lor'themar Theron of Silvermoon City, The Current Blood Elf Leader, will try their hardest to accomplish this.

The Blood Elves used to call themselves High Elfs. They starting using the new name when they decided to discard their honor. The name "Blood Elf" comes from Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider. He named them this to remember the fallen High Elves from the Scourge invasion of the Sunwell during the Third War. The Blood Elves share the same past as the Night Elves, except for the aftermath of the Third War.

The major city of the Blood Elves is Silvermoon City.

Blood Elves look like Night Elves. The main difference is that they have white skin compared to the Night Elf blue skin. Male Blood Elves have very unique hair styles... They also dance like Napoleon Dynamite. The female Blood Elves are not very... nice.

The Blood Elves can be Hunters, Mages, Priests, Rogues, Warlocks, or Paladins.Their racial abilities include the ability to drain other characters mana, they can silence their opponents, they have a higher enchanting skill, and they are more resistant to magic. Their starting area is "Sunstrider Isle".

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